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Your surrender application has now been sent to our welfare department and you should soon receive an email containing the information below.

​What happens next?

​Our welfare team are now in receipt of your application and will soon review it.


Please note that dogs classed as "Staffie Crosses" that resemble banned breed dogs may require DDA digital assessment before they are allowed to come into our care. Dogs classed as "Staffie Crosses" that resemble another breed more than a Staffie will not be accepted.

​Qualifying dogs are added to our waiting list and when space becomes available we will contact you by email and text using the details you provided on the form you completed.

To help make sure you don't miss any communication from us please add the domain to your safe email list, this will prevent our emails from going straight into your junk mail box.

​Once space becomes available our team will be in contact to arrange an assessment at our centre in Kidderminster, if your dog is accepted for admittance we can then arrange a suitable day and time for you to bring your dog for surrender. 


​If you have confirmed your dog is up to date with vaccinations it's important that you bring evidence of this with you, by having proof we will not need to have your dogs vaccinations carried out again until they expire.


From time to time our surrender waiting list can hit over 30 and priority will always be given to dogs on death row from pounds. Please help us manage our list and reduce admin time by letting us know if your circumstances change and you no longer need rescue support.

​Completion of our surrender application does not automatically mean your dog has been added to our waiting list and due to the size of the rescue and limited staff we will only be in contact if your application falls within our surrender policies and when space becomes available.

Because of this we strongly recommend that you contact as many rescues as possible and register for assistance.

You can find most of the UK's rescue centres by visiting

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