Our show class list is displayed below with estimated start times.
Each class cost £1.50 per entry per dog.
Class winners up to 3rd place to receive a rosette and goodie bag.
Start times are determined by the qty of dogs in each class and only a rough guide, classes wont start before the time shown.
You can save time and beat the queue by prebooking and paying for your classes online using the button below. Your prebooked classes can be altered on show day at the collection point but not refunded.
Please note due to increased transaction costs there is a £1.00 admin fee for booking online.
First Half starting 11.00am
Class List
01 Starting no sooner than 11.00am
Cutest Pup
02 Starting no sooner than 11.30am
Scruffiest Dog
03 Starting no sooner than 12.00pm
Golden Oldie
04 Starting no sooner than 12.30pm
Loveliest Lady
05 Starting no sooner than 1.00pm
Fabulous Fella
06 Starting no sooner than 1.30pm
Best Rescue
Second Half starting 2.30pm
Class List
07 Starting no sooner than 2.30pm
Most Appealing Eyes
08 Starting no sooner than 3.00pm
Best Paw Shake
09 Starting no sooner than 3.30pm
Waggiest Tail
10 Starting no sooner than 4.00pm
Best Staffie/Staffie x
11 Starting no sooner than 4.30pm
Fancy Dress
Starting end of show for all 1st winners